Thursday, 26 May 2011

Names named adds fuel to who might stand for election with the Alliance

An inkling of who are supporting and who might stand for election with the GSLP/Liberal alliance emerged last night during a GSLP party political broadcast.

Leader Fabian Picardo, whose broadcast it was, said: "You will see that I am joined in this broadcast by members of the party who are committed to work to see a GSLP/Liberal administration elected."

Then, 9 supporters came on screen and each had a brief say.

One of them was Dr Norbert Borge who said: "I cannot believe in politicians who would endorse or tolerate an Andorra type situation for Gibraltar. My choice for the future is the GSLP."

Another was trade unionist and retired head teacher Joe Cortes who said: "I really do believe that with the GSLP we will be in safe hands."

In recent days there have been rumours spreading fast naming Dr Borge and Mr Cortes as possible candidates in the alliance line-up for the general election due later this year.

Others who made an apperance in the broadcast included Marilou Guerrero, former chairperson of the Federation of Small Business who said that 'a strong team of committed individuals led by Fabian can deliver the change that Gibraltar needs.'

Others who also chose to come out in public supporting the alliance were retired teacher Clifford Santos, student Julian Benyunes, former manager Gibraltar airport and taxi driver Albert Garcia, retired teacher Lionel Perez, banker Albert Borrell and retired Gibraltar regiment officer Wilfred Jurado.

Said Picardo: "That is the strength of the GSLP: our committed and growing membership from all sectors of our society and all walks of life who believe, like I do, that the future of our community is best assured by a GSLP Liberal government."

Those named above cannot all be candidates even if they wanted to, as it would appear that the alliance has three vacancies!


As far as is known, all the present elected members will be standing again for election.

The GSLP have the following 4 elected members: Fabian Picardo, Joe Bossano, Gilbert Licudi and Charles Bruzon.

The Liberals have 3 elected members: Joseph Garcia, Steven Linares and Neil Costa.

The seven make up the present opposition.

At an election, each voter has up to 10 votes, so the alliance would need another 3 candidates to make the ten who would stand.

But the naming of the above supporters in last night's broadcast is the clearest hint yet as to who their additional candidates might be.


Meanwhile, there have been reports in the past about the likely changes at the GSD. A report in PANORAMA some time ago quoted GSD circles suggesting that up to 5 changes were possible in the governing party.

Some names have been mentioned since then, but nothing more concrete has developed.

At one point it was felt that Peter Caruana would call it a day, and indeed he so indicated to the Financial Times, but such thinking is no longer the case.

Caruana is on record as saying that, if he left politics, he would want to make as sure as prcatically possible that he would leave a team behind that could take on from him and win an election.

There have been question marks for some time now if the current deputy Joe Holliday will continue, the same thinking applying of late to Danny Feetham.

As regards the PDP, they have been taking the line that they have a full slate to contest the next election.

Robert Vasquez, who had wanted to put together a Coalition for Reform, suddemnly decided he would not be standing, as first reported by us.


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